Jeremiah Quill


About me

I'm a developer building nice things on the web.

Things I've built

Mode and route level recovery data based on pre + post COVID ridership & service level data. Built with Next.js, TailwindCSS, and Chart.js.

Currently building a rich UI/UX around the Sandbox browser-based coding environment. Features include code snippet CRUD, local storage persistence, AI chatbot assistant, keyboard shortcuts, and more.

Half-baked ideas for AI-powered apps and tools. Powered by OpenAI's GPT-3

A simple game to help you learn hex colors.

My history

2022 - Present

UI Developer II

I currently build and manage websites and web apps in support of the marketing and communications teams at McCormick Taylor. I work with a handful of clients on public and internal products. Technologies and tools include NextJS, Angular, REST APIs, Git Workflow, SQL databases, Figma, and more.

2021 - 2022

University of Pennsylvania LPS Full Stack Bootcamp

Completed 6 month online bootcamp focused on full stack web development. Sharpened skills, worked on group projects, and expanded my knowledge of real world patterns, tools, and technologies.

2019 - 2021

Self Taught Web Development

In 2019 I decided to pursue a career in tech. Each year since I've pushed myself to learn, build, fail, and continue growing.

2014 - 2022

Transaction / Senior Transaction Analyst

Helped manage real estate transactions for group of client's including Morgan Stanely, JLL Corporate, SAP, and BNYM. Worked daily in excel to build financial models and approval documentation for lease transactions.

2010 - 2014

Pennsylvania State University

Earned a bachelor's of science in Risk Management and Real Estate from Penn State's Smeal College of Business.